Adam Merrill

Portfolio for Adam Merrill

About Me


I'm a Computer Science graduate at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT) working towards my Master's degree with a focus in cyber security. Because of that interest and my outstanding academic performance I was accepted into an accelerated 5 year BS+MS program, and the Federal CyberCoprs: Scholarship for Service (SFS) program. The SFS program is funding the remainder of my Master's degree, expected in May 2021. I graduated with my Bachelor's in May 2020.

My current areas of interest within cyber security are Red Team activities and exploit tool development. Besides my academic training, my biggest sources of experience have come from my internship at Los Alamos National Lab and from completing the NSA's 2018 and 2019 Codebreaker challenges (2018 interview).

From my studies, internships, and competitions I've become proficient in C, Java, and Python, and can reverse-engineer x86-64 assembly. As a hobby I've learned a lot of web development languages, including HTML/CSS, JQuery, PHP, and SQL. This entire website is an example of my web development skill, and other examples of my programming work are available under the Code Samples topic.

I've also been an Adobe Photoshop enthusiast since middle school. I have done many projects, both for fun and professionally. I've taken several classes about graphic design aesthetics and I incorporate those principles into all my work. Samples are available under the Photoshop topic.

In my free time I enjoy playing board games, Dungeons and Dragons, and VR games. I also have a 3D printer and occasionally 3D model parts and equipment that I need for D&D or various projects around the house.